
Byron Alfonzo Lopez Cifuentes

Byron Alfonzo Lopez Cifuentes - Guam

King Bijou - 1996 Buckskin Stallion

King Bijou is an outstanding buckskin stallion that is built for performance. He has been primarily used on our ranch by sorting cattle, cutting, dragging calves to fire at branding, and is used in round-ups. He has also been successfully shown in team roping. At his first AQHA show in June of 2004, he placed consistently with his best performance a 4th place in heeling out of 38 with some of the top horses and ropers in the country. Look for him in the near future in events such as reining, working cowhorse, and versatility. If you want a foal that will get it done for you--regardless of whether it`s in the show ring or on the farm, King Bijou is the horse to breed to. He is a very gentle stallion with a great mind that he passes on to his offspring.

Byron Alfonzo Lopez Cifuentes